Light therapy is a painless, non-invasive treatment that uses light to reduce the level of bilirubin in the baby.
The blue rays point to your baby's skin and are absorbed into the baby's blood system. Through the photooxidation process, the bilirubin stored under the baby's skin is broken down into other products, which are easily discharged from the baby's system.
The baby's phototherapy uses blue rays, which is safe and effective.This treatment may last for 30 minutes, after which you can hold and care for the baby.
This treatment will be carried out for a few days to give the liver enough strength to process and balances the bilirubin in the baby's body.
Jaundice Light Therapy Newborn Bilirubin Lamp Blanket Baby Neonatal Jaundice
SKU: J3110
$90.00 Regular Price
$45.00Sale Price